Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Birthday Present!

Check out my new ride! It is a super pimp Old Skool Schwinn called "coffee". They also have a version called "cream" and I suggested that John Paul could get that one so we could be "Coffee & Cream." Apparently that is "really gay." Regardless, I LOOOOOOVE my new bike and was so happy to find a cruiser with a few speeds so I can TRY to keep up with John Paul. I bought a basket for the back for when we go to the market and a sweet purple helmet. Of course when I was picking out the helmet, I warned the sales associate that I had an enormous dome. At first, he tried to be polite and was like, "oh no...I'm sure you don't." (Picture John Paul shaking his head vigorously during this.) When he finished 'fitting' my head, he was like "Wow, it is big!" I felt like saying, "Well I told you, dip shit"...but I just smiled as he went to the backroom to pull my helmet from the "FREAKISHLY BIG HEAD" section.

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