Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter in Oz

With Easter as our first ‘real’ holiday in Australia, John Paul and I were looking forward to a long weekend and creating our own little celebration. To give you the highlights…
Good Friday kicked off our mini vacation and we set out on the town to have a “Melbourne Day.” We were going to hit up some of the museums and other touristy spots that were still on our to-do list. Unfortunately, we didn’t get very far because EVERYTHING was closed. Not just the museums – everything. In fact, Good Friday turned up to be the only holiday – other than Christmas – that most businesses close. So random. Luckily, the Blockbuster was open, so we got Season 2 of Arrested Development, opened a couple…well maybe a few bottles of wine…and had a Great Friday. (On a side note – if you have not seen Arrested Development; do yourself a favour and rent a season. Awesome.)
So onto Easter…we got up and I was surprised to see that the Easter Bunny had travelled all the way to Australia. Apparently, he was feeling very spiritual this year and gave me a very nice Easter card – complete with a ‘pop up’ Jesus on the front. He also gave me several very nice gifts including t-shirts with some very poignant messages. Please see the attached pictures.
John Paul must have not been very good because all the Easter Bunny brought him was a Snuggie with a free book light.

1 comment:

Sarah Turner said...

Where did the easter bunny pick-up those t-shirts???